Saturday, April 9, 2016

April 10

The unanchored soul will drift. That's still the theme of this sermon series. When this happens, we may not only feel unanchored, but even shipwrecked. "It's not until you get through whatever circumstances you're going through that you realize God was doing you a favor." That was an interesting point from this morning's sermon. It's hard to see the blessings when you're going through a hard time. Like they say "when one door closes, another door opens." I've learned that what I think is best isn't always right.  I love the quote "we plan and God laughs." Who am I to think my plan would be better than His? After all, His plan is already written. When God's goodness is least visible, it's functioning at its highest and best on our behalf. We just might not realize it until we get the chance to look back on it. 

Hope starts when we stop wondering and start watching for His goodness in our's not questioning if things are going to work out, but knowing they will. Another one of my favorite verses was referenced this morning: Jeremiah 29:11. "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future." I thought about that verse almost everyday I was in the hospital. People kept asking how I was handling things so well. That's how. I knew it would get better. I tried to focus on the blessings- no matter how small they were. I definitely had my moments, my break downs, my fair share of tears, but I tried to "get out of the pity pool before I shriveled up." 

God's goodness always outweighs the bad. Don't make the bad the story. This is just a chapter because we know God's goodness will prevail. I knew and still know that whatever I'm going through isn't the whole story, it's just a chapter. We typically see what we're looking for...if we aren't looking for any of the positives, we won't see them. Don't elevate the problem over the promise. 

Focus on where you want to go, not where you are or where you've been- towards the victory and not your failure. Without hope, our minds will search for reasons to not have hope. But with hope, our minds will search for reasons to have hope. You get back what you put out. With hope, you'll be opportunity minded. How do you wake up? Even in the midst of trouble and difficulties, do you keep hope? Stop wondering if God is working on your behalf and know that He is- look for what He's doing. That's my advice. Everyone thought I needed to meet with a psychologist the whole time I was in the hospital. That I needed to talk to someone. That something must be wrong. How could I be happy? I had hope. I believed. I didn't let my circumstances define me. And I'm still not. This isn't the way things are going to stay. This is only a chapter of my story and I have this hope as an anchor to the soul. Firm and secure. 

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