Thursday, March 3, 2016

March 3

It's hard to believe it's already Thursday. I don't think I'd ever get tired of sitting by the pool or on the beach...especially with a drink in my hand and no clouds in the sky. I've already read a whole book since we got here and Dusty just went to the front office and found me another one I could borrow...I guess they have books there that people can use while they're here. It feels good to be able to read whatever I want, but I'd actually rather be studying or reading school material- as crazy as that sounds. I look forward to getting some of my school stuff together once I get home and back into a routine. I don't plan to return to Philly until August, which is when I left off last year, but I need to stay on top of the material and keep it fresh in my mind. I can't wait to be back in clinic and seeing patients again, especially with everything that has happened...I think it's really going to give me a different outlook.

Dusty and I explored the resort a little bit yesterday afternoon. There's actually a resort next to us and we wondered over there. Dusty said he'd been thinking about it and realized it's been a long time since I've seen green grass...he then helped me scoot forward so I could feel the grass on my feet. It actually felt kind of normal! It was really sweet...I hadn't really thought about it. It's crazy the kind of things we all take for granted.

I only got a few pictures of us on the boat, but trust me, pictures wouldn't even begin to describe the experience. Men think they can do anything because of their strength...get me and the wheelchair onto a boat? No problem! Yeah, right. Dusty and his brother pushed me down the beach in the chair, on in front and one in back. I'm not sure how many men tried to help, but somehow I was in the wheelchair in a tiny boat and then picked up and put onto a bigger boat. They then used flip flops to hold the wheels in place on the boat, haha. The views from the boat were worth the trouble of getting on and off it though. 

There's a whole team of people at the resort whose job is entertainment. How awesome would that be to get paid to have fun all day- play games, dance, meet new people- all while in paradise. I think we helped them with their job yesterday though. We had everyone's attention between making it up and down the beach and on and off the boat. 

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