Friday, March 11, 2016

March 11

I did so much walking today that I feel like this is appropriate! I posted a picture of this devotional two years ago and remember how much it helped me then...I was in my first year of optometry school and on the verge of a break down every other day. My roommate, Annie, and I tried to commit to reading Jesus Calling everyday because when we did, our days were so much better...our minds were in a better place and our whole attitude was so much better. We were constantly sending each other pictures of it when one of us would leave the house without reading it.

When we got to therapy this morning, the same valet guy met us at the front door. We started talking to him and learned his name is Vance. He meets us every time we go outside and doesn't let mom get my wheelchair out alone, insisting that he helps. And yesterday, he had our car waiting at the end of the day saying, "it's 5:15, I knew you'd be coming out any minute." It's funny how people know my schedule better than I do! He was asking us where we're from and said how he goes to Massanutten every year. I told him how that's not too far from Winchester and that it's really close to Bridgewater, where I went to undergrad. Naturally, Mom and I asked him if he drank wine and he told us how much his wife likes going to vineyards. He asked what had happened to me and how therapy was going then told me "I've worked here for 12years and have seen many miracles walk out of this building. I can tell God has plans for you." I told him that I couldn't wait to personally walk him around the vineyard we work at and he said he'll hold me accountable. I love interactions like this and meeting new people!

I started the day with an hour of OT. Jen showed me a few different techniques to help with my struggle of lower body dressing...I can do it, but it's so time consuming. Her tips seemed to really help, so I'm hoping to really cut down on the time it takes to get ready in the next few weeks. 

I used that special transfer board a lot and was transferring myself all morning! I'm hoping we can get insurance to cover it after a few more times of using it and proving how helpful it is. 

Before our session was over, Jen taped my back in a way to help engage my back muscles and improve my posture. I already think it's helping and I'm not even aware of having the tape on my back. 

I did a lot of new things today and was on my feet the majority of the time. I did the treadmill, where they manually move my legs, like I did at Magee. I was up there for almost a full hour! I kept the harness on and was hooked to an overhead lift. We then hooked up the stim to my front and back so my spinal cord was directly stimulated again. Someone was at my hips from behind and Becky moved my legs in front of me while I pushed a walker and tried to walk. I wasn't sure how much was actually me, but my therapist said I was helping a lot. It's the first time I "walked" not on a treadmill since my injury! 

I did more crunches while hooked up to stim and then did some back and shoulder strengthening exercises. I finished my day of therapy in the pool. This time, I was in the smaller pool that has the treadmill...yes, a water treadmill. I was with a different therapist named Dennis. He said he'd heard I had some new leg strength and activation...I'm glad my therapists have noticed and talked about it! He then said he was going to move my left leg forward and I moved it for him. I didn't realize it was all me until he asked if I had hip flexor activation...I guess I do to some extent! We walked the majority of the hour. Someone was behind me, I held onto parallel bars, and then another person was in front of me, moving my legs with their feet. I've always had a foot phobia, so it's funny that I was actually okay with someone else's feet all over me for a whole hour...guess you just gotta do what you gotta do! I also did some standing and worked on taking one hand off the bar at a time and even took both hands off a few times. I can't wait to do it again tomorrow! 

I talked to Kristen a little more at lunch today. It was cool how much we have in common. We bonded over our inpatient experiences and how everyone thought we were crazy for finding happiness during our experiences...the doctors had tried to get us both to take antidepressants, saying we weren't being realistic. I think finding goodness in all this is what's kept us both going. You just have to take one day at a time...I don't really see any other option. I'd rather give it my all and fight like hell than to let this swallow me and overtake me. I'm glad the two of us are in this together at the same time because she's inspired me already. I think we can both come out of this stronger than ever...not just because we're so determined, but because I think we are both taking one day at a time, one step at a time, and letting God take control (by the way, she wears a silver cross that I absolutely love!) 

I get to have therapy again tomorrow, which is good since I didn't start until Tuesday...I can still get a full week! My therapist even arranged her schedule so she can work with me. I'm excited to see what the day has in store and what else my body is capable of doing when I push it hard enough.

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