Tuesday, March 15, 2016

March 15

We had a relaxing morning since I had a late start time for therapy. I was able to practice my lower body dressing (it was my own OT session!) since we weren't in a rush. 

It was so good to have Dusty here.. He keeps all of us laughing. He's the most supportive and asks lots of questions because he wants to understand everything, but he's also so good at keeping things lighthearted and trying to make me feel as normal as possible. It sucks still kind of being in this semi long distance relationship, especially with all that's gone on, but I know everything is worth it. Baltimore is closer than Philly and we probably would've seen less of each other if I were still at school.

Becky did something called PNF (proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitatio). It's a set of stretching techniques used to enhance both active and passive range of motion in order to improve motor performance and aid rehabilitation. It helps with realignment and to teach my body to recruit the correct muscles for different movements. She did it and I felt a lot more stable when sitting afterwards and standing seemed much easier. Also, she felt a lot more quad movement in both legs!! She was really excited that during the stretching, I had a spasm in my left leg. I didn't think anything of it because my legs and feet have been twitching a lot lately, but she said that movement was the goal of everything she was doing. It meant the connection was carrying over and down my leg like it's supposed to. I'm probably explaining it wrong, but all I know is that it was a good thing and she was really excited about it, so I'm happy! 

Becky has also been spending a lot of time trying to figure out my long term therapy schedule. She doesn't have any openings, but has been trying to hand pick who I'll work with. As of now, the therapist I was on the aqua treadmill with first, Dennis, is going to be able to work with me. It'll be like 2-3x/ week and then Aqua therapy as well...and I can use the wellness gym on my own time to make it a full schedule. We're also still trying to get a stim bike for the house. Everything takes so long to process and insurance is a pain! Speaking of which, my wheelchair STILL isn't ready...I was fitted in December! I really wanted to be able to cancel that order...but I know recovery takes a long time and I need to just keep taking one day at a time. A new, lighter, slimmer chair would be so much nicer than the loaner I have, so I'm actually finding myself wishing I had it already. Hopefully it'll be here in the next two weeks. 

Mom's knee is feeling a lot better, so thanks for the prayers. Having Dusty here to help with the transfers for a couple days really helped and gave her a break.

Our friend is still in the ICU and really needs any prayers he can get. I know it's got to be scary for him and his family...I hope they get answers and good news. 

My classmates are all taking part one of boards this week and could use some prayers as well! 

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