Monday, March 14, 2016

March 14

Another great day!! For once, I may have been more excited to get back to therapy than to be home. Mom and I made it all the way to Baltimore a whole hour before we needed to... But that's how we do things. We'd rather be an hour early than two minutes late (now, Dad and Dusty on the other hand...)

In OT, Jen had me do a lot of fine motor activities with stim on my hands. My pinch and grip strengths still aren't completely normal, so we're working on getting those numbers a little higher. 

I had Aqua therapy with Becky in the larger pool. We did some core work then some standing and ended by using this water walker and doing a few laps around the pool. Someone was behind me and she moved my legs. Becky said one of my legs was better at stepping forward and one was better at stepping down and holding me in place. She thought the same thing when we got onto the treadmill in the afternoon. She told Mom how she could feel my legs helping with various tasks and thinks my nervous system just needs a jump start before it kicks in and starts helping. I like all this positive feedback. It's made me think a lot about KKI's phrase "hope through motion." Magee's word was "believe," as in "believe in a way back." Believe that whatever happened to you won't hold you back. I needed that when my recovery started because there were days that I was scared and didn't believe I was going to get better. Now I'm surrounded by "hope," hope that everything will keep improving and hope that I'll be back on my feet sometime soon. Believe and hope are two words that have always had positive meanings, but they mean so much more to me now. 

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