Monday, November 2, 2015

October 31 and November 1

I love the weekends and seeing my family! Dad and James didn't arrive until dinner time, but Mom and I were plenty busy. Saturday was my undergrad roommate's (Shannon's) wedding day. I was supposed to be in Roanoke, VA, standing next to her. It broke my heart that I couldn't be there, but I was so touched at the ways she included me on her special day. Mom helped me curl my hair and I did my makeup. I also wore a regular shirt and scarf for the first time in awhile! I looked and felt a little more like myself.

One of my other roommates, Stephanie, FaceTimed me before the ceremony and I got to see Shannon (looking so beautiful!) Stephanie kept me on FaceTime and walked me down the aisle and put the phone on a tripod in the place where I would have been standing. The pastor did a sweet introduction, saying that although I couldn't physically be there, they were happy to still have me present. I got to see Shannon walk down the aisle and listen to the vows. Afterwards, Drew's brother carried the phone into the reception, where I was introduced again. There was also the sweetest message in the program. Needless to say, Mom and I cried many happy tears.

Saturday was relaxing, but I had OT on Sunday. I was happy that Natalie could do my session since it's usually different people on the weekend. We did another transfer out of the chair and onto the mat. We then did more of the leaning forward and side to side drills. I also transferred back into the chair and did the rickshaw machine again. I had started at 15lbs last week (with help), got to 21lbs by the end of the I did 28lbs! I'm definitely getting stronger and I can't believe how fast it's happening.

I had lots of visitors Sunday and really enjoyed hearing all the Halloween stories. The best part of the weekend happened at the very end, though. Mom had watched who knows how many neuro checks when I was at UVA...when she went to leave, she touched my toes. When I said I could feel it, she started seeing what else I could feel. I could tell the different between her nails on my toes and her finger, which toes she was touching, and my knees. All of this was new sensation. Mom and Dad both said they could tell that my big toe was moving when I was trying to move it, but I couldn't really see it...regardless, increased sensation is always a good thing!

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