Thursday, November 19, 2015

November 17 and 18

I worked on managing my legs in both OT and PT on Tuesday. I sat on the edge of the mat and brought my legs up onto the mat and finally into a laying position. I feel like this is getting better the more I do it, but it's still really difficult.

In PT, I got into tall kneel (for only the second time). I could feel the weight through my legs and was told to try to use my ab muscles and keep a good posture. I then did some miniature squats and pushups off the bolster in front of me. Steph said that I should be proud of that session and that I had improved so much since the other time we did this.

We did more transfer work on Wednesday. This is important because it's making me really strong...I'll not one be able to move from one place to another, but also be able to lift myself up to adjust my body and other things on my own.

My favorite part of Wednesday was that I finally got to see the outside! Patients usually only get one outing while at Magee, which is used for manuevering the wheelchair in the streets and other public places. My therapists are letting me have two outings by using the electrical chair in one trip and the manual in the other. Dusty, Tracy, Natalie and I got to do an outing in the electrical chair...We went to Starbucks first and then to the Comcast Center for food. I wasn't sure how I'd feel about being out in public, especially in a busy city in a wheelchair, but it really wasn't as bad as I anticipated. I was able to move around without any problems. (And taking Dusty into Starbucks was amusing for us all..."what do they call a large here?....Largo?")

The therapists kept telling us about how something crazy happens at every trip (like one guy's electrical chair dying halfway into the trip and them having to push him all the way back). Well, now they can add my visit to the list. I was crossing the road and the pavement must've been a little uneven. One of my footplates completely fell off and I didn't really realize what was happening. All I saw was Natalie grabbing my ankle and Dusty yelling at me to stop moving. I'm sure it was quite a show for everyone in their cars.

Dusty and I got to stay in the family room again at night and everyone was still so impressed with how much he was helping with anything I needed...I'm so blessed to have someone like him by my side through all this.

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