Tuesday, November 10, 2015

November 9

"You tend to project yourself mentally into the next day, week, month, year, decade; and you visualize yourself coping badly n those ties. What you are seeing is a false image, because it doesn't include Me. Those gloomy times that you imagine will not come to pass, since My Presence will be with you at all times."

",,,Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" Luke 12:26

These are the words that I should've reminded myself of throughout the day. It was such an exhausting day...I did about 4 transfers with different people in OT. Both Natalie and Jackie (the OT I worked with on Sunday) said they had improved since the last time I did a transfer with either of them. I still need to work on helping with the transfer a little more, but I need to not overlook any improvement (which is what I did by the end of the day).

At the end of the session, I got into the manual chair. Some changes had to be made with the seat cushion and the back rest, but it was pretty comfortable by the end. I stayed in the manual chair all day and completely tired myself out.

Rachel surprised me around lunch time and then John and Kelly (friends from home that we know from the vineyard) brought me flowers and Starbucks! Having company and people pointing out my progress was just what I needed.

I had the treadmill again today...we did 20 minutes (in 5 minute increments) and I was still able to have the harness lowered to 10%. We did some squats, but I was a little discouraged when no one really felt much muscle contraction today.

I didn't really do much after the treadmill...I called Dusty and then I called my mom and grandma. I don't know why, but I just started crying when I saw my grandma on FaceTime (she just looked so good and I haven't seen her since UVA when I looked so awful). I think it was the combination of being so exhausted from the day and feeling lonely that I got an overwhelming wave of being homesick. I was feeling discouraged and my arms were so tired that I didn't want to go anywhere or socialize with anyone.

I was so busy feeling sorry for myself that I forgot how my day started--Amanda (my speech therapist) stopped in to tell me that I've graduated from speech! One more thing to cross off my list. I also forgot about how well the transfers had gone and lost sight of what an accomplishment it was to be in the manual chair all day. I think I'm going to have to start reading my devotional in the morning and then again at night...it had been so perfect for each day and I think I would've been more comforted by reading those words again.

I finished another art piece today and had a great conversation with my art therapist, Julie. She was just telling me how inspiring I was and that this blog has probably reached a lot of people...the whole point was so that it would reach everyone that has been trying to keep up with changes and progress, but I think it has gone a lot further than that inner circle of close friends and family...I still can't describe how thankful I am for all the prayers and for how many people have brought my name up in prayer before several congregations. I'm going to try to focus on all these blessings tomorrow instead of "shriveling up in the pity pool."

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