Thursday, May 12, 2016

May 12 and 13

I did the best I've ever done on the stim bike overall power for the hour was 3.4W! I thought that was good, but then I did even better this morning with an average of 3.6W. It makes me wish even more that this stuff with my own bike would work out. 

Walking in the pool also went the best it's ever gone yesterday. Dennis didn't have to pull my legs through for each step, just kept my knees straight. I had more knee flexion in my right leg when sitting on the bench and kicking forward and there was a lot more in the left leg (there was barely any last week). 

I saw Dr. Recio yesterday for the first time since I started at KKI. He was really pleased with all my progress so far and when he asked me to wiggle some toes, his eyes got big and he said "are you doing that?!" Haha, I guess he thought it may have been a spasm or something. My proprioception and knowing if different body parts were bent or straight was almost 100% normal and the sensation in my lower body was much better than a couple months ago. Since I now have abdominal control and could visibly pull my hips up and tighten my quads, he knew my injury level had changed from T5. He just wouldn't tell me what the level was! He said we'll do a reassessment of that when I'm done, that way I'll be more impressed. Also, at that first visit, I didn't have any reflexes in my legs. I think they grade it on a scale of 0-5, 4 being normal and 5 being hypersensitive or too much. I now have reflexes and they're grade 3! Because of all this, he let me know that my ASIA level is now C instead of B! Before I left, I had to do several breathing and pulmonary function tests...all of which were normal. No more partially paralyzed diaphragm!

My therapy is extended through July 7 and if I get "functional" movement back, we may add more time. We're looking into scheduling 3 Aqua therapy days per week instead of two, that way I'll have 3 PT sessions and 3 Aqua therapy sessions. 

Next week is going to be pretty busy because I have a lot of appointments! I'm meeting with the nutritionist, a case/social worker, and a psychologist. I want to see the nutritionist because I know I'm eating healthy, but I'm curious as to if there's anything else I should be doing. Obviously, weight loss would be nice and I'm also not sure if there are certain foods that may help promote neuro genesis. The social worker is the person to contact about getting things done, like going back to school or driving. Dr. Recio is already working on my letter to school in order to release me from my leave of absence. Lastly, I've met with other psychologists because they've been forced on me and I've hated it. But this time, it's on my terms. Both Sam and Kristen have met with this doctor and have really liked him. I think it'd be nice to have someone to talk to, especially as I start to transition back to school and whatnot. I've also just been kind of exhausted by all of this lately. Everyone keeps saying this recovery is a marathon, not a sprint, but I just want the race to be over already. The doctor has also been doing research on different medications that promote neuro genesis, so I'm interested to see what he'll have to say. 

I finished to day with the Thera-stride treadmill and some walking in the harness with a walker. Everyone thought the Thera-stride went better than it has before and when we were walking with the walker, Dennis said he could feel the quad of my back leg tightening as I stepped forward with the other leg, which is what's supposed to happen since I'm shifting my weight onto that leg and trying to keep it straight. 

So, it looks like a lot is going to happen in the next week or so- here's to hoping it's all good! Now, if this weather would just get nicer so Dusty and I could do more outside on the weekends! 

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