Sunday, December 13, 2015

December 12 and 13

I  had therapy both days over the weekend. On Saturday, the focus was mainly on making sure my parents were comfortable with transfers. The therapist also showed us some different exercises and stretches we can do on our own at home. We were supposed to do transfers again on Sunday, but asked the therapist if we could do some more work with my legs since the transfers had gone so well the day before. She stretched out my lower body and accessed my ability to initiate movements like straightening or bending my leg. She said she could definitely feel and see the muscles triggering, so we were excited about that. At the end of the session, two of the therapists helped me to stand. There was someone on each leg and then my dad stood in front in case I needed some help straightening up all the way. I definitely needed more help the first two times we stood, but the third time was the best. They didn't feel like they even helped that much and could really feel my legs kicking in and helping! My dad didn't even help with the last stand. For once, my hips were aligned with my shoulders and my back wasn't arched. I was excited because the last couple times I stood didn't feel that great, I felt like I was relying completely on the people helping and I didn't have very good posture. One of my doctors came in during that last stand and said he could even see my leg muscles working!

We were so thankful for the amazing weather. It's hard to believe it's December with the temperatures in the 60s and 70s! My parents and I spent a lot of time outside, just enjoying each other's company and the sunshine. 

I forgot to mention that Tracy brought me a gluten free bagel on Friday- which was to die for! I can't even remember the last time I had a bagel and they're my favorite! We were surprised that the bagel truck was still there during our outing because we had heard they left at 9am (which is why she stopped and got me one before work). I got mom and I each a bagel and we enjoyed them on Saturday morning. It's the little things, haha. 

The sweetest group of children came through on Saturday and asked if they could sing me Christmas carols. A man who was a patient 32 years ago had brought his wife and her whole class to Magee for caroling. They were so adorable and it took everything I had not to cry (I cry at everything, so holding it in was a big deal for me, haha.) Before they left, they gave me a gingerbread Christmas ornament. I can't wait to get home and put it on our tree. 

I got to meet Greg's daughter, Isabelle, on Saturday afternoon. She was so enthusiastic and seemed so much more mature for her age. I was so impressed with how well she got around on her own. I've heard so much about her from Greg, so it was great to finally meet her. (I mentioned in another post how Greg is my neighbor. His daughter is 11 and she is legally blind). 

I am being taken care of...that's the best feeling. When you trust in God and really cast all your problems or anxiety on Him, a sense of peace is reached. God already knows what I'm thinking before I even ask. I've always said to live by faith, not by sight, but difficult times really put that to the test. I so often want to do things my own way. It's a constant battle trying to surrender and let God take the reigns instead of myself.

I don't like being alone too often. Fortunately, there have been very few instances when I've been by myself throughout this whole journey. However, I am able to have quiet time during the mornings or when I get into bed. It's actually nice to have this built into my schedule. Spending that time reading my devotional, looking up the bible verses and praying has really strengthened my faith and made me into a stronger, more faithful person.

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