Monday, June 20, 2016

June 20

I knew June 20 was a good day because it's my grandparent's anniversary (they would've been married 63 years!)

I still miss him every single day, but at least it's good to know I have an angel watching over me.

Big things are happening. I feel like I'm finally gaining enough strength that my legs are starting to come along like my arms did. Instead of seeing changes weekly or even longer than that, I'm seeing differences on a daily basis. 

The walking in the pool went really well. Beth did say that I was using my core a lot, so I need to try to focus more on the bending and straightening of my knees, plus the activation of my glutes and hip flexors. That being said, she was still impressed and thought it went even better than last week.

Much to my dismay, Mom told Dennis she wanted me to be able to get from the ground back into my chair...or be able to tell someone how to help with that. My simple solution is to never get on the ground, but that wasn't a good enough answer haha. So we worked on transfer stuff. My triceps have never been very strong, so when Dennis said he wanted me to sit in front of this bench and try to push up with my arms, getting my butt up onto the bench, I kind of laughed. At first, I was barely getting any lift. I mean, it was pathetic. After practicing the technique, I was getting good clearance, but going backwards, up onto the bench was the hard part. I guess it's one of the hardest skills, and the therapists were actually impressed with how well I did for my first time. Now if I can just master that, we'll move to the next biggest bench and eventually the chair...but I'm thinking I need to work on my tricep strength first. 

For the second half of therapy, we did some walking over ground in the harness. It really does get better each time. I'm still keeping that left leg straight and today, Dennis said he felt more from my right leg than on Thursday. Also, he said I was almost bringing that right leg all the way through with each step. AND I had more hamstring activation than usual. 

Fundraising is coming along...I'm so thankful for everyone that has jumped at the opportunity to help piece together a few events. Maureen finalized the paintnite details and unfortunately, there's a limited number of tickets and I don't have any control over who gets's just first come, first serve. I'm really hoping that so many people want to do it and either don't get a ticket or can't do it on July 13, so we have to set up another. Here's the link:

We also have some people trying to plan a run/walk event. It might not be until September, so the details are still coming together. The other event will hopefully be a cornhole tournament of some kind at the vineyard. I'd love to raise enough money for the bike, which is upwards of $15,000, and cover some of the medical a bills, like from UVA, Winchester, and Philadelphia..and now Baltimore. Especially since all the money is now coming from my parent's retirement fund...we joke that they're retiring and going to KKI. We also have expenses like housing and gas money from going back and forth to Baltimore, so really anything would help. I'll post updates on the events as we figure them out. 

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