Thursday, January 21, 2016

January 21 and 22

Yesterday started great with another lady at the hotel paying for our coffee...she even told my dad that she's had numerous family members attend Magee for rehab and that as long as we're staying at the hotel, we don't need to buy our coffee. 

I forget how we got onto the topic, but Herb was telling me about his faith yesterday morning. He was saying how him and his wife have attended some Christian retreats and how great it is to be surrounded by so many believers in one place. He was also telling me about how his mother is planning to move in with him and his wife in the next few months. He's happy about this because she lives in South Carolina and he doesn't see her often. He joked and said that she's bossy and will probably try to make him get rid of one of his big screen tvs. Him and his mother have different beliefs when it comes to religion, so he's hoping that his lifestyle will influence her when she moves in and he asked me to pray about this for him. He asked if I was a Christian and when I told him yes, he responded with "I knew there was something different about you." I'm not exactly sure what he meant by that, but I could tell he meant it to be a compliment. That's how I want to live my life...I want people to see Christ in know there's something different. I think that's how God wants us to live our lives, so I'm glad that I can still radiate His love amidst all the hardships.

I went on two outings yesterday- one to the grocery store since I'm cooking next week and one to Dave and Busters. It was nice doing normal things, but it's definitely different. I had such a hard time reaching for things at the grocery store and I don't know how I would've carried more than a single basket worth of items if I was alone. The arcade was also hard because I couldn't play some of the games...I'm learning to be okay with these changes though. I know I could do whatever I set my mind to, but I guess I'm also learning what's more important, like what's most important for me to learn how to do. 

Dad and I left philly yesterday to avoid bad weather. I hate missing a day of therapy, but I know it's better to be safe. I spent the day watching the snow steadily fall out the window. It's so pretty, but I have absolutely no desire to go outside in it...18 degrees sounds way too cold for me! 

I also spend some time journaling (I'm so happy my handwriting is back to the way it was before I got sick!) I also sat down and went through all the cards I had gotten at UVA- the ones people submitted online. There were two whole binders full- and it took me an hour to read them! I felt incredibly blessed as I read them, seeing the names of people I hadn't talked to in awhile and some people I'd never even met. 

I sat on the couch instead of in my chair tonight and I stood up with a walker! I needed some help getting up, but once I was standing, Mom was at my knees and James and Dad backed off at each side. I didn't really feel like I was doing much, but they both said they had backed off and weren't helping me stand. It was a good way to end the day and I'm glad that even when I'm home, my family is dedicated enough to make sure I still get therapy- they're always willing to help me with standing, pool therapy, or any other exercise and even push me when I'm tired and unmotivated. 

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