Thursday, October 22, 2015

October 21

Hello everyone,

I've decided after seeing the outpouring of love and support that I would keep a blog to share some more specific details of this journey. I will try to keep it updated frequently so everyone that has kept me in their thoughts and prayers can know how I'm doing. I've also asked my mom and Dusty to contribute whenever they can.

Before I start I want to introduce my therapists, who I will refer to by name from here on. My PT (Physical Therapy) therapist is named Steph. She works on my strength and movement, especially in my legs and trunk. My OT (Occupational Therapy) therapist is named Natalie. She works on getting me back to everyday tasks, arm movement, and fine motor skills. I also spend time with my speech therapist Amanda, recreational therapist Tracy, and Art therapist Julie. Rec therapy is whatever I want it to be-using the computer, putting on makeup, etc. I see a speech therapist because my vocal cords were paralyzed and since I have a trach after being on the ventilator. I signed up for art therapy to fill my time and figured if I was awful, then I could at least laugh at myself.

As you all know my Mom, Dusty, and me have updated Facebook about the progression of my illness and the start of the road to recovery. Every night I talk to my mom and she suggested that I list three positive things (sometimes more) from my day. I'd like to share those moments with everyone,  starting with today.

This morning I got up and for the first time, i was able to put my contacts in and brush my hair.  The only other time I attempted my contacts was when the therapist was scooping them out of the container and Dusty was holding my eyes open for me (this was a big struggle because we put the wrong prescription in each eye and had to start over).

In PT, I was able to push myself forward, ,gain balance, and maintain it. This is something that I didn't come close to doing last week.

Before lunch, the ENT doctor came in and replaced my trach with one that allows me to cough and talk better. This is something that I was very anxious about and I was relieved it went so smoothly. The doctor even said that if I went through the right steps that I could meet my goal of getting it removed next week. He even told me that I didn't need to see him again (It's nice to check doctors off my list of caretakers!).

This afternoon I got to do OT with a chocolate lab therapy dog named Joey. I worked on brushing her and throwing a ball for fetch all while maintaining balance.

And tonight I was able to take my contacts out by myself!

I am making a lot of progress and they are keeping me busy, but I will try to update this often.

Thanks again for your continued love and prayers. I attached two photos- one of me wearing my contacts and after doing my own hair and makeup (I even curled my eyelashes!) and one with Joey and Natalie.

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