Friday, June 10, 2016

June 10

You know that saying "you were given this life because you're strong enough to handle it"? Well, it sucks. Ever find yourself asking God "how strong do you really think I am?" Or "what else? Do you really think I can handle anything else?" I try to push those thoughts aside, but sometimes it's just too hard. Today is one of those days. It just feels like things keep stacking up on top of the pile. 

All this stuff with the insurance has been ridiculous. We thought the wheelchair was covered, or at least in's the whole reason we went with the company we did. Mom even asked the vendor directly if the change in insurance was going to be a problem and he said no. Well, either they filed it incorrectly or the vendor was horribly wrong because we got a bill for over $5,000 saying insurance wasn't covering anything since it was out of network. The transfer board Dennis tried to order me so that I can transfer myself more independently (at least around the house) is more than likely another thing not covered. And, my parents just had to transfer a ton of money out of their retirement fund in order to pay the bills and pay for the bike. We're hoping that if we go ahead and pay for the bike now, they can start processing it and trying to get it in the house, and then maybe we can raise the money for it. Oh, but like that's not enough to deal with, today Mom went to the grocery store and had left her wallet on top of the car. She realized it right away and back tracked, but it was already nowhere to be found. All her credit cards, her license, and even cash someone had just given us- all gone. She turned right around and started looking, so I feel like she would've found it. My only thought is that someone picked it up, but that would mean that they didn't return it. At this point, we wouldn't even care if someone took the money, but going through and cancelling every single card and having to get a new license is such a pain. It's a hope that whoever found it would be a good enough person to return it. I guess we'll just keep our fingers crossed for now. Maybe it'll turn up soon. 

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