Wednesday, April 20, 2016

April 20

Today's pool session was so great...I rode the bike for an hour this morning and then again for 30 minutes before getting in the water. The last few weeks, the therapists that have worked with me in the water have been impressed with how much I was doing- like initiating steps and almost bringing my foot all the way forward with each step (my toes would just get stuck sometimes and prevent a full step). Today, Dennis had me kind of march in place. He stood in front of me and prevented my knee from bending and someone supported my hips while I picked each leg up and down. The pool therapists have been saying things like "good step!" And "I could tell you were helping with that," but I couldn't really tell a difference before. I was constantly trying to help, but wasn't sure how much or the difference between a "good step" and "bad step," of even if I was doing anything at all. But yesterday, I could tell how much clearance I was getting by picking my foot up and down in front of me. And I wasn't twisting my hips or throwing my body backwards to compensate. It happens a lot that therapists or family/friends say how much I'm doing or give me positive feedback, but I don't believe it until I have a moment like that. I need to really see it for myself to believe it. I don't like to get my hopes up because nothing is worse than being disappointed, especially when it's this important. We also did some walking then side steps and I was really happy to be able to notice how much work I was doing. I think I needed that as a confidence boost! 

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