Wednesday, December 28, 2016

December 27

I realize it's been over a week since I've posted an update. The holidays weren't necessarily too crazy, but we were on the go and I did try to stay off my computer and phone as much as possible. 

I guess the first update is that the speech at White House Apples went so well! There were definitely a lot of people and I was so nervous, but everyone was so nice...there was a stage with a ramp attached that I was supposed to speak on..I couldn't quite push myself up the steep ramp, so I had Dusty help a little bit. I started my talk by cracking a few jokes about how "that's why I keep him around" and that "I hope everyone could see me because I'm a little shorter these days." I think starting that way (and actually having people laugh) made me feel more comfortable. I definitely read from my papers, but I think I was also good at looking up and adding a personal touch to different points I was making. I'll post my speech in the next post separately so everyone can read it. But, I'm still so flattered that I was asked to be a part of this holiday banquet and that I was given the chance to share my story.

 The icing on the cake was the generous gift the company gave me...I was moved to tears because it was almost a third of the (huge) amount getting my license is going to cost. 

Speaking of my license, I need to start studying for the test because I should be getting a letter from the DMV any day now about coming in to take my permit test. I can't miss any road sign questions and I know it's something I need to brush up on!

Anyways, Christmas was such a great time. I still remember that this time last year, I was worried I might not make it out of the hospital before Christmas. People changed around their holiday parties to accommodate my homecoming and I totally missed out on so many of the holiday traditions. I didn't get to do much shopping or see many lights, but I did get to cherish in the actual meaning of the holiday and what Jesus's birth meant and how important time with family was. 

We had different celebrations at mine and Dusty's house (including his graduation from his masters program on the 21st!!!) and then spend Christmas morning at his brother's house, watching his three year old niece opening all her presents. There's just something about being around children on Christmas that brings back all those childhood memories and that true "Christmas spirit."

Dusty got me an Apple Watch for Christmas, which is one of the only things I wanted. It has wheelchair settings for the fitness tracking and I love being able to keep track of my workouts or push strokes per day. James got me a coffee cup that keeps my hands warm and my parents promised me a trip to someplace warm in the upcoming months- maybe Florida?? I'm so thankful to have been able to actually be home and enjoy this time with everyone instead of having to deal with the question of when I'd get to come home and then having to adjust to life outside of a hospital after so many months. 

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