Tuesday, December 15, 2015

December 14

It's my last full week of rehab at Magee! The staff keeps joking about locking me in the basement and not letting me leave. I just keep thinking about how wonderful it's going to be to walk back in here and see everyone again.

Natalie asked me what I wanted to work on this week and I don't even know where to start...I've come so far, but there's still so much to work on. She said we didn't have to get on all 4's or do tall kneel since I did it just the other day, but I thought it'd be good to do it. It's definitely not my favorite thing to do, but getting that much weight through my legs is making a difference...I mean, my leg moved on Friday after doing it! We got into tall kneel and I worked on my posture. I keep sticking my right hip out to the side instead of being completely centered in that position. It's hard to tell if I'm aligned or not since I don't have complete sensation from the hips down. I'm hoping that improves a little more throughout the week. This morning was the first time I was able to manage my legs and get them up onto the mat (with my shoes on- which is way harder!). I then crossed my legs, laid down, and got onto my stomach for some arm strengthening exercises. We've done this many ties, but I usually need some help and it takes about 3x longer than it did this morning. What a way to start a Monday morning!

Two of my "moms" from home came to visit, Amy and Christy. They've driven from Winchester to see me before, but it was even better to have them come together. After lunch, we went upstairs to the roof and just sat there talking since it was so nice out. The sun wasn't even shining because of how many clouds were in the sky and it was still comfortable. We totally lost track of time and before we knew it, the clock said 2:40...10 minutes after I was supposed to be in therapy! As soon as we got inside, I heard "will the patient from room 567 bed 2 report to the 5th floor gym." I'd just made the comment that my nurses are usually looking for me, but I've never been paged over the intercom...well, now I have.

I did the treadmill during my PT session and Steph said that my legs feel different every single time we do it. She said that everything is there- the muscles are working, there just needs to be enough tone and strength to make larger contractions that will eventually produce a larger movement.

Steph and Natalie were at a conference last Thursday and Friday about stim. They said it was like another sign from God that so many of the therapists at the conference were from Kennedy-Krieger. They were learning about how to analyze stim results and even brought up my data and said it looked really good.

I got into the chair that I'm supposed to take home next week. The vendors try to find a chair closest to the one I've been using, but it's never quite as nice and lightweight. The chair was okay...it's a  little higher up and harder to push, but it was comfortable. We have to make a few adjustments to it, but hopefully I'll get back in it soon and be able to get used to it before I go home.

Dusty got here around dinner time. This was the longest we hadn't seen each other, but we made it! The nurses let him stay in my room last night and we pushed the two hospital beds together. There are the little tvs that swing out from the wall and can be moved in front of you in bed. It was so funny to me that we were in hospital beds with those tvs on each side of us with the Monday night football game. How romantic, haha.

I've been relying more of God these past few days and so many of my worries and concerns have been lifted. Proverbs 3:6 is one of my favorite verses and it's so appropriate. Acknowledge Him and he will make your paths straight. I mean, how lucky am I that I haven't hit a single plateau throughout my whole time at Magee? I've had things I've struggled with and I haven't accomplished everything on the first try, but there has been something positive every single day.

I also found it interesting that Proverbs was the verse used today... I vividly remember being at YoungLife camp with Christy (who came to visit today). I was a leader for a middle school group when I was a senior in high school. I remember being at camp and in the leader clubhouse and asking her what her favorite verse was. She said " Proverbs 3:5-6. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understandings. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight." That verse has really stuck with me ever since then and it made me smile that it was in my devotional on the day she was visiting.

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