Tuesday, November 10, 2015

November 7 and 8

I had another great weekend! (It started with breakfast in bed!!) Stephanie got here early and helped me get ready...I'm still amazed by her friendship and willingness to do anything to help me. Mom got here not too long afterwards and the three of us got breakfast. My dad and grandparents got here by lunch time. My grandparents flew in from Florida and I hadn't seen them in a long time. It's unfortunate that these have to be the conditions in which I see them, but I'm glad I'm in much better shape now than I was a month or even two weeks ago.

I had extra therapy sessions again, like usual. For PT, I did the tilt table. For once, I wasn't feeling dizzy at all...usually, I start to feel a little uneasy and then we reach a point where I actually feel like I'm going to pass out and we lower the table down. None of that happened today...I made it all the way to 70 degrees and the only reason we stopped was because we ran out of time. The more I stand, the more my body is getting used to the changes and getting stronger. Like the therapists told me, I'll get more used to the changes as I get stronger and my blood pressure wouldn't be as much of a problem.

We had a little time between PT and OT, so Mom and I were able to go to open art studio. I got to show her the painting I started on Monday and work a little more on it.

For OT, I was on my stomach again and did several arm and shoulder exercises. Natalie and I have done this a few times...the first time, I had to use something called an air splint. It goes over your whole arm and air pumps it up to make sure the elbow doesn't bend. We used this and Natalie had to help me do the exercise. It has gotten a little better each time, but today was by far the best. I did the exercises without help AND had good form (and no air splint)! We finished with the arm bike. Overall, I think it was a pretty successful Sunday of therapy.

On Saturday, my devotional read: "I am working my ways in you...I know what you need, and I have promised to provide all of that--abundantly!"

On Sunday, it said: "Learn to appreciate difficult days. Be stimulated by the challenges you encounter along your way." "Look back on your life and see how I have helped you through difficult days."

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10

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